Rig brings readiness through fitness

Story by Patrick Young
Fort Stewart Public Affairs Office

Jordan Fitness Center will soon become the hub for Army combat fitness training on Fort Stewart with the addition of the Alpha Warrior Battle Rig and extended hours of operation.

If you’ve visited Jordan recently, you’ve likely witnessed the construction of the new Battle Rig, a 35 foot fitness structure located in the heart of the gym. Similar in appearance to a favorite televised obstacle challenge the rig wasn’t designed for celebrities, rather warriors.  It focuses on Soldier readiness through functional fitness training with a high concentration placed on the new Army Combat Fitness Training program.

“Functional fitness has become more relevant in day to day operations throughout the Army as seen in the new Army Combat Fitness training requirements.” said Randy Ray, program manager for Jordan and Caro fitness centers. “The Alpha Warrior Battle Rig was adopted by the Army to help build and promote the functional fitness program. We can incorporate any type of movement or exercise into the workout on or around the rig to support several levels of fitness requirements.”

The rig is set to open to the Stewart-Hunter community in January. In the meantime, a train-the-trainer program is in place for units who would like to learn how to use the rig before its grand opening to the community. “Currently, we can train 39 people at a time on rig basics and safety to include how to conduct workouts.” Ray said. “From there we will turn the training over to the units to use during PT hours.”

Once the rig is fully operational, patrons will be able to use the equipment any time of day or night as Jordan Fitness center is slated to become a 24-hour fitness center. “We are currently working on installation of the surveillance system as well as getting our patrons registered on-line through the RecTrac system,” Ray said. “We are hoping to open our doors as a 24-hour facility sometime in the early months of 2019.”

In addition to the Alpha Warrior Battle Rig, Jordan Fitness Center is home to cardio and weight rooms complete with Life Fitness weight machines and functional fitness equipment. The fitness center is open to all Department of Defense identification cardholders to include civilian contractors and guests who are accompanied by a card-holder.

Jordan Fitness Center is located in building 608 on West 6th Street. For further details or to schedule a train the trainer session for your unit, call 767-5742.


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