Healthy Living For the New Year

Story by Petty Officer 3rd Class Trey Hutcheson

 Ringing in the new year comes with a common resolution that many will make – to get in shape and live a healthier life. Losing weight to become a healthier person can be a struggle for many if they don’t know the steps to become a healthier version of themselves.

Like many Americans, some military personnel struggle with excessive body weight.

According to the 2017 Fleet and Marine Corps Health Risk Assessment Annual Report, “66.6 percent of service members were classified as overweight or obese according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention BMI standards for healthy adults.”

With proper nutrition, exercise, and discipline, a healthier lifestyle is possible with commitment and focus. For Sailors aboard the Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS George Washington (CVN 73), nutrition and exercise insight is available to them from certified professionals.

Boatswain’s Mate 2nd Class Cassidy Belcher, certified in nutrition by Navy Operation Fitness and Fueling System (NOFFS), is one individual who can provide some of that insight to interested personnel.

“What I like to do is use MyFitnessPal, which is a free application on your phone that can track everything you consume,” said Belcher. “If you don’t manage what you eat then you can’t measure how far you are away from your goals, and what you need to do to reach them.”

Keeping track of how much you are eating is only the first step to proper nutrition. Knowing what food is healthy for your body is the next chapter.

“Healthy fats are good for you in moderation because they are still fats,” said Belcher. “Nuts, avocado, and chia seeds have a lot of omega-3s and fatty acids, [and] those are just some examples of where I get my healthy fats from. I know we all like cheese, but that can be one unhealthy fat that people get carried away with. For foods that do not have a nutrition label, you can enter it into the MyFitnessPal, and it will tell you the nutrition facts.”

Aviation Boatswain’s Mate 2nd Class (Handling) Sofia Knight, a certified fitness specialist in air department, believes that exercise in addition to a nutritional diet is key to a healthy lifestyle.

“Exercise contributes to better weight control, improves your mood, and promotes better sleep habits,” said Knight. “The important piece is that it’s not just work-related; this is overall life happening.”

Belcher believes that fitness and eating healthy have to work in harmony for someone to feel the effects of living a healthy lifestyle.

“I don’t try to just eat healthy every day,” said Belcher. “I exercise every day, and then every ten days on my duty day I have my rest day. It’s just about doing whatever exercise works best for you, so that way you do not become distraught. As long as you are doing something every day, [you are] one step closer to living a healthy lifestyle.”

Knight agrees that the benefits of exercising go far beyond simply looking healthy, and improve many aspects of overall fitness.

“Benefits behind exercising and proper dieting would be the light feeling you get knowing your body is in better shape than before,” said Knight. “Additionally, it lessens the risks of falling, and of weak bones, joints, and muscles, which is paramount in this environment that we work in. Lastly, you feel happier, you are more alert, you have more energy, and it boosts your self-esteem and confidence.”

No matter what your goals are for the new year, committing to a healthy lifestyle can be beneficial and can be started at any time. Sailors often learn commitment and discipline through their military training that can make the goal of living a healthy lifestyle more attainable.

Whatever your plans are in 2019, be mindful of what you eat, and incorporate a physical training regimen to align with a healthier lifestyle.


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